5'8"x21x2 3/4 glass on cut away keels.
This is the board that started it all. It blows people away everytime they ride it because you don't expect a fish to be able to do what this board can do. Faster than any quad I've tried, and looser than a keel, this board allows a very radical approach to surfing a fish. Unlike other keels, it is responsive backhand, and very solid of the bottom and top of the wave. I have ridden this board in waist high slop, OH Bossiney, and lots of waves in the NE and it never let me down. In fact, most people can't believe its a fish...
Glassed with a special resin used for offshore powerboat race hulls, it has only a few scratches on the bottom, and one dent on the deck from a bungled air.
This is my personal board, and I'm sorry to see it go...
Aw man - I would've been up for this if I hadn't already spunked my wedge on boards this month. Rats. One day will be an incut day for me maybe... one day...
have pm you on msw will take the slimzer and the disc and also your incut can pick up tomorrow if thats any good for you
cheers shaun (patches)
i'll have the original incut fish, hell yeah, might be able to collect next sat, happy to trfr cash straight away. please say youve not sold it. andy
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